
Lab for the DevOps Course, subject Monitoring. The lab will be used for installing Prometheus and Grafana and set a sample dashboard.

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DevOpsLab1: Prometheus and Grafana

Set Prometheus & Grafana in one-single node installation

Project structure:

├── docker-compose.yml
├── grafana
│   └── datasource.yml
├── prometheus
│   └── prometheus.yml
│   └── targets
│       └── prometheus.json
│       └── grafana.json
│       └── node-exporter.json
├── alertmanager
│   └── alertmanager.yml
│   └── alertmanager.conf
└── README.md


    image: prom/prometheus
      - 9090:9090
    image: grafana/grafana
      - 3000:3000
    image: prom/node-exporter
      - 9100:9100
    image: prom/alertmanager
      - 9093:9093
    image: namshi/smtp
      - 25:25

This compose file will create a stack with three main services: prometheus, alertmanager and grafana; Additionally, the compose adds an exporter (node-exporter) as an example of an external source of information and set the AlertManager for managing the alerts that are handled by the Prometheus Server.

A SMTP server is also added just for testing purpose of the alerting systems.

When the stack is been deployed, the docker-compose maps port the default ports for each service to the equivalent ports on the host in order to inspect easier the web interface of each service.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Ports 9090, 3000, 9093 and 9100 on the host MUST NOT already in use.

Deploy with docker-compose

$ docker-compose up -d
Building with native build....
Pulling prometheus (prom/prometheus:)...
Pulling grafana (grafana/grafana:)...
Pulling node-exporter (prom/node-exporter)...
Pulling alertmanager (prom/alertmanager)...
Pulling smtp-server (namshi/smtp)...
Creating prometheus ... done
Creating grafana    ... done
Creating node-exporter ... done
Creating alertmanager ... done
Creating smtp-server ... done
Attaching to prometheus, grafana, node-exporter-1, alertmanager

Expected result

Listing containers must show five containers running and the port mapping as below:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE               COMMAND                   CREATED           STATUS         PORTS                    NAMES
45e9b302d0f0   prom/prometheus     "/bin/prometheus --c..."   12 seconds ago   Up 10 seconds>9090/tcp   prometheus
164f0553ed54   grafana/grafana     "/run.sh"                  12 seconds ago   Up 9 seconds>3000/tcp   grafana
c4d479c609c6   prom/node-exporter  "/bin/node-exporter ..."   10 seconds ago   Up 9 seconds>9100/tcp   node-exporter-1
b2e0f0f3c6f4   prom/alertmanager   "/bin/alertmanager -..."   10 seconds ago   Up 9 seconds>9093/tcp   alertmanager
b4f0e0c3f6e4   namshi/smtp         "/bin/entrypoint..."       10 seconds ago   Up 9 seconds>25/tcp       smtp-server

Then you can launch each application using the below links in your local web browser:

  • Prometheus: http://localhost:9090 collecting information from three targets (grafana, exporter and itself)
  • Grafana: http://localhost:3000 and use the login credentials specified in the compose file to access Grafana. Please be aware that is already configured with prometheus as the default datasource.
  • AlertManager: http://localhost:9093 to verify the status of the Alerting system
  • Node-exporter-1: htps://localhost:9100 and you see the list of data that is collected

Stop and remove the containers. Use -v to remove the volumes if looking to erase all data.

$ docker-compose down -v