Replay set:
61.138% avg
146869397 -> 89793302
41.693% avg
79733067 -> 33243641
68.697% avg
2794427 -> 1919694
63.288% avg
14573725 -> 9223532
67.568% avg
10419674 -> 7040395
55.5133468341% of the original size
254.39029 MB -> 141.220564 MB
Game space (Raw input enabled replays) is lossless for every single frame where any key is being held, for the frames with no key inputs the x/y coordinates are quantised to a lower resolution - an imperceptible change but it can easily be removed.
Screen space is technically 'gainful' compression, as it fixes the slight rounding issue present in the original OSR
All other formats are entirely lossless.