
Dropbox Python Bytecode Decryption Tool

Primary LanguagePython

Dropbox Bytecode Decryption Tool

Copyright Hagen Fritsch, 2012, License: GPL-2.0
_marshal.py adpoted from pypy (MIT License)

See http://itooktheredpill.dyndns.org/2012/dropbox-decrypt for further information.

How to use

Grab and unpack the prerequisites:

wget -nv https://github.com/rumpeltux/dropboxdec/tarball/master -O - | tar xzv
wget -nv http://dl-web.dropbox.com/u/17/dropbox-lnx.x86-1.1.45.tar.gz -O - | tar xzv
cd .dropbox-dist; unzip library.zip; chmod a+rw -R .; cd ..

Run the decryption tool:

python dropboxdec*/dec.py .dropbox-dist

It raises an error for an unknown opcode in netifaces.pyc, but that's ok (and you can always download the netifaces library source). Now feel free to do st. cool with it :)