
Wiki for rump kernels

Wiki Guidelines

This page lists high-level guidelines for editing https://github.com/rumpkernel/wiki/wiki/.


Use a page title of the form "Category: Subject". The categories are used for creating the navbar on the wiki.

The current categories are:

  • Builds: automated builds, tests, etc.
  • Howto: Howtos document specific tasks
  • Info: General information, e.g. historical info, TODO-lists, etc.
  • Performance: important points about optimization, tuning, etc.
  • People: personal spaces for rump kernel project contributors. Edit only your own page.
  • Project ideas: detailed description of a project looking for idle hands.
  • Tutorial: Instructions starting from zero and working towards mastering a subject area (e.g. debugging or networking)

If the article does not fit into the existing categories, please propose a new category on the rumpkernel-users@freelists.org mailing list.

Additionally, the following categories exist, but they should be used only if the respective code exists and is available:

Do not change titles after an article has been published, since that will alter the article's URL and render any hyperlinks to the article invalid.


Use the format [[text|article title]] to link to other articles on this wiki, e.g. to link to the platform page you could use [[Platforms supported by rump kernels|Platforms]]. The advantage of this format is that dead links will be flagged when the page is rendered.

To link to this wiki from an external source, use the URL https://github.com/rumpkernel/wiki/wiki/article-name, e.g. https://github.com/rumpkernel/wiki/wiki/Platforms for the platforms page. To link to a rump kernel repository (currently hosted on Github), use https://github.com/rumpkernel/, e.g. https://github.com/rumpkernel/buildrump.sh for buildrump.sh.


Articles in the wiki are available under Creative Commons CC0.

(Note: CC0 applies only to the wiki, not to the files hosted in this repository)