
Movie-based Gazelle

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中文 | English


GazellePW (GazellePosterWall) is a web framework geared towards private BitTorrent trackers. It's a movie version of Gazelle.


WhatCD/Gazelle is naturally focusing on music. OPSnet team also does some great things based on it, but Gazelle could be applied to more scenarios. We forked some versions of OPSnet/Gazelle, added lots of features, and made cleanups. Now it works for movie sites. In addition, it also contributes to TV sites and even other sites.



  • Beautiful and modern UI: Responsive design, Mobile-friendly, BBCode toolbar, All icons in svg format etc
  • Theme: Auto dark/light theme, Create a new theme in one hour, Component-based style
  • Optimization for movie content: Upload auto-fill movie info, Screenshot comparison (supports PixelCompare and SolarCurve), MediaInfo parser, Movie poster wall, Multiple formats and editions, Torrent slot system, Movie search etc
  • Localization: Simplified Chinese and English languages
  • Image hosting service: Local or Minio
  • Additional torrents off: 25%, 50%, 75%
  • Modern development: Docker, Vite, React
  • ...



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