- 0xbada
- alanmacd06
- ashemedaiThe Netherlands
- astoko
- beyercenter
- bingledf
- caapsoft
- ejohnstownwolfSSL Inc
- ErfanDL
- Et7f3
- EthanIsakson
- finventario
- gaahrdner@zenbusiness
- hdm@runZeroInc
- hslatman@smallstep
- iangelov
- ION28MetaCTF
- jo-tezLondon
- jordan9001Maryland, United States of America
- jsimonettiNetherlands
- llmuculusll
- mweineltEuropean Union
- nadroj-olletsoc
- OneCDOnly... there, behind that sofa!
- rancho666
- realCheesyQuesadilla
- richardleonardNorth West Code Ltd
- roycewilliamsGCI (AK) | ALPCA | Team Hashcat
- SasquatchSecurity
- ScrumplexGermany
- smurfanders
- sschneider
- swedeesheef
- tdiderichMadison, WI
- tmcarrNVIDIA
- txtsdMad Scientists, Inc.