Browser testing at WMF


To run the Selenium tests you will have to install Ruby (look at .rvmrc file for the exact version), the latest versions of RubyGems and Firefox (the default browser in which the tests run). The easiest way to install Ruby on Linux/Unix is RVM and on Windows RubyInstaller.

Update RubyGems and install the required RubyGems:

cd browsertests
gem update --system
gem install bundler
bundle install

You will need a file with credentials located at /private/wmf/secret.yml. For local testing, create a user named Selenium_user on your local wiki and record the password in this file as

mediawiki_password: password here

Run the tests with bundle exec rake, this should start Firefox. The test run creates an HTML report in reports/ and an XML report (for Jenkins) in reports/junit.

To run a single test enter bundle exec cucumber features/FEATURE_NAME.feature.


The code repository is, the GitHub mirror is at

The Jenkins instance that orchestrates the tests is hosted at

The tests are run in multiple browsers at

Mobile tests are in the tests/acceptance folder of the MobileFrontend extension.

Interested? Read more at How to contribute section of Browser testing page.

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