Learning apache spark


This is the shared repository for Learning Apache Spark Notes. This shared repository mainly contains notes and projects which from Ming's Big data class and Wenqiang's IMA Data Fellows' projects.

In this repository, we try to use the detailed demo code and examples to show how to use each main functions. If you find your work wasn't cited in this note, please feel free to let us know.


At here, we would like to thank Jian Sun and Zhongbo Li at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville for the valuable disscussion and thank the generous anonymous authors for providing the detailed solutions and source code on the internet. Without those help, this repository would not have been possible to be made. Wenqiang also would like to thank the Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications (IMA) at University of Minnesota, Twin Cities for support during his IMA Data Scientist Fellow visit.

Feedback and suggestions

Your comments and suggestions are highly appreciated. We are more than happy to receive corrections, suggestions or feedbacks through email (Ming Chen: mchen33@utk.edu, Wenqiang Feng: wfeng1@utk.edu) for improvements.