Pulsar is a production ready web crawler, you can crawl large web sites from seeds, using Nutch style.
Pulsar is highly modularized so it also can be used as a library and be embedded within other projects.
Pulsar supports selenium so you can do web scraping using selenium's native api.
For Web scraping(in kotlin):
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val pulsar = Pulsar()
val page = pulsar.load("http://list.mogujie.com/book/jiadian/10059513")
val document = pulsar.parse(page)
val title = document.selectFirst(".goods_item .title")
For batch Web scraping(in kotlin):
val url = "http://www.sh.chinanews.com/jinrong/index.shtml"
val portal = pulsar.load("$url --parse --reparse-links --no-link-filter --expires=1s --fetch-mode=selenium --browser=chrome")
val pages = pulsar.parallelLoadAll(portal.simpleLiveLinks.filter { it.contains("jinrong") }, LoadOptions.parse("--parse"))
pages.forEach { println("${it.url} ${it.contentTitle}") }
The examples can be found in fun/platonic/pulsar/examples/WebAccess.kt, and more examples will be added soon.
To build from source, you need guava-hbase1-23.6 which is a fix for guava-23.6 to match hbase-1.3.2
git clone git@github.com:galaxyeye/guava-hbase1-23.6.git
cd guava-hbase1-23.6 && mvn install
And then
git clone git@github.com:galaxyeye/pulsar.git
cd pulsar && mvn package
For web crawling and index using solr, run script:
bin/crawl.sh default false information_tmp http://master:8983/solr/information_tmp/ 1
TODO: Scripts is NOT working if you can see this line. We are working on it ...
For more crawl task examples, see bin/samples.
The major workflow of Pulsar comes from Apache Nutch, and can be illustrated in kotlin as the following:
val pages = urls
.map { generate(batchId, it) }
.filter { it.batchId == batchId }
.filter { it.marks.contains(Mark.GENERATE) }
.map { fetchComponent.fetchContent(it) }
.filter { it.batchId == batchId }
.filter { it.marks.contains(Mark.FETCH) }
.onEach { parseComponent.parse(it) }
.filter { it.batchId == batchId }
.filter { it.marks.contains(Mark.PARSE) }
.onEach { indexComponent.dryRunIndex(it) }
.map { WebVertex(it) }
.map { WebGraph(it, it) }
.reduce { g, g2 -> g.combine(g2)}
.map { it.webPage }
.map { updateOutGraphMapper(it) }
.map { updateOutGraphReducerBuildGraph(it) }
.map { updateOutGraphReducer(it) }
.filter { it.batchId == batchId }
.filter { it.marks.contains(UPDATEOUTG) }
.map { updateInGraphMapper(it) }
.map { updateInGraphReducer(it) }
Note: the Web graph is updated both inward and outward, score filters can be applied to decide the importance of Web pages. Score filters may differs for different crawl tasks.
HBase is the primary choice as the storage, and any storage supported by Apache Gora will be fine.
1. Integrate with srping 5: https://spring.io/
2. Test scripts and correct errors
3. A simple learner to learn boilerpipe arguments: https://github.com/kohlschutter/boilerpipe
Enterprise Edition:
Pulsar Enterprise Edition comes with lots of exciting features:
Web SQL:
1. Any source, any format, any volume, ETL the data and turn it into a table by just one simple SQL
2. Monitor a Web site and turn it into a table by just one simple SQL
3. Integrated argorithms for Web extraction, data mining, NLP, Knowldge Graph, maching learning, etc
4. Do business intelligence on unstructured data
Machine learning for Web content mining:
1. Learn and generate SQL for one site
2. Extract Web pages from many web sites using just one model
Advanced DOM processing:
1. Tranditional CSS path support
2. Advanced expression in CSS path: element.select("div:expr(_width >= 300 and _height >= 400)")
3. Statistics based element locate
Enterprise Edition will be open sourced step by step.
Coming soon ...
Cloud Edition:
Write your own Web SQLs to create data products anywhere, anytime, to share, or for sale
Coming soon ...