- 4
Custom back button modifier
#131 opened by lowryrussell - 0
RouterStore singleton Swift 6 warning
#137 opened by crisanvlad - 1
- 8
Memory leaks in iOS17
#129 opened by Aslanyan99n - 1
How to add a badge in TabBar
#135 opened by pulimento - 0
Pops back when updating @ObservableObject
#133 opened by undertaker28 - 0
Poplast didn't work as expected
#132 opened by AmrSaleh07 - 0
How do I know which route I am in?
#130 opened by anthony1810 - 2
Add Carthage support?
#87 opened by emartinson - 0
Presentation detents for sheets
#128 opened by theHonzic - 1
How to correctly use focusFirst
#122 opened by KovalchukLTD - 0
Example just don't work
#123 opened by anthony1810 - 0
Tabbar Item Accent Color Not working
#125 opened by anthony1810 - 0
dismissChild fatal optional
#121 opened by siki88 - 1
hasRoot / isRoot crashes app
#96 opened by emartinson - 0
dismissCoordinator animation
#120 opened by eyale - 2
Tabbar items customisation
#119 opened by PomazanovaAnna - 0
Can't get NavigationRouter via protocol
#118 opened by PortgasDTee - 4
Full screen presented view is being dismissed when a system alert appears.
#61 opened by PeterKovacs89 - 2
Issues caused by use of SwiftUI's NavigationStack
#115 opened by sgade - 2
- 6
StateObject causes crashes with Stinsen
#81 opened by Kondamon - 1
Exclude screens during deeplink
#112 opened by vveidi - 0
How can I get access to a stack during popToRoot
#105 opened by vveidi - 2
Dismissing item issue
#111 opened by yRerikh - 1
- 3
- 1
Disable tabCoordinator when show Custom Alert
#99 opened by dmikots - 1
Can't I use onDismiss in route method?
#108 opened by redok016 - 2
Problem with .push transition.
#106 opened by amineahmmouch - 6
- 6
SwiftUI 4 NavigationStack naming conflict
#76 opened by razvanrujoiu - 5
EmptyView while push
#95 opened by dmikots - 2
- 0
focusFirst doesn't move to previous page
#90 opened by ivan-kolesov - 4
[question] TabBar Button tap gesture
#73 opened by okstring - 2
[Question] Reload Tab in TabCoordinatable?
#89 opened by emartinson - 2
TabBar: present modal view from tabbar item
#88 opened by Luur - 3
- 0
Full screen route in nested coordinators doesn't get performed in iOS 14.4
#79 opened by vadimbelyaev - 6
Setting navigationBarTitleDisplayMode doesn't work for modal routing.
#71 opened by polszacki-tooploox - 2
SwiftUI Previews
#70 opened by j-cheung - 2
MVVM example doesn't work
#63 opened by SvyatHoly - 3
- 0
TabChild activeTab setter bug
#69 opened by lewis-godowski - 0
Getting random crashes - memory leaks?
#65 opened by Kondamon - 4
How to pass parameters to a make func
#68 opened by razvanrujoiu - 4
- 1
Referencing instance method 'pop' on 'NavigationRouter' requires that 'NavigationCoordinatable' conform to 'Stinsen.NavigationCoordinatable
#67 opened by razvanrujoiu - 1