
A Python wrapper for indodax.com API with support for async i/o

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status

An unofficial Python wrapper for indodax.com API with support for async i/o

Original API documentation

Public API

Indodax provides 4 public endpoint that can be accessed by the public. This library will provide those 4 endpoints in the pyndodax.public module, which consisted of:

  • Get current price of all markets (aio_get_all_tickers())
  • Get current price of a given market (aio_get_ticker(pair))
  • Get last few trade history of a given market (aio_get_trades(pair))
  • Get bids and asks of a given market (aio_get_depth(pair))

You can describe a trade pair with Pair, custom enum type that can be accessed at pyndodax.pair. If you want to pick a currency that is traded against IDR, just refer it with the currency symbol, all uppercase. For BTC traded currencies, add _BTC as a postfix. e.g.:

  • btc-idr is Pair.BTC
  • bat-idr is Pair.BAT
  • eth-btc is Pair.ETH_BTC
  • etc.

Private API


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python setup.py install
pip install -e .[dev]

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