
Simple cross-platform mobile client for DropBox

Primary LanguageC#

Simple DropBox client for mobile devices. The application is meant as an example of how one can use Mono and .Net to write cross-platform mobile applications that runs on iOS, Android and WP7.

The Android version is built on Api version 8 (Android 2.2), the iOS version is built on iOS v 3.2 (yep :-)) and the WP7 version is built on SDK v 7.5.

Feel free to do whatever you want with the code.

TODO for the future:

  • Test the UI on all devices
  • Add icons for files/folders on iOS
  • Display other file types than text
  • Modify files
  • Upload new files
  • Save files to local storage

Oh. While I remember. This project uses components from two other projects: MVVMCross (https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross/) by @slodge (https://twitter.com/slodge) and DropNet (https://github.com/dkarzon/DropNet) by @dkarzon (https://twitter.com/dkarzon). Thanks guys!