
The core open-source monorepository of Runespoor Enginnering org. Here you could see our Engineering Playbook and a lot of useful tools.

Primary LanguageMDXMIT LicenseMIT

Runespoor Stack

Buy Me A Coffee

🛠️ Contributing

See the CONTRIBUTING.md document.


flowchart TB
    subgraph eslint
        eslint-config["eslint-config\n(Universal linting configuration)\nESLint/Prettier"]

     subgraph date
        timezones["timezones\n(The updated list of timezones)"]

    subgraph apps
        archive["archive\n(Engineering Playbook)\nDocusaurus"]

    subgraph bots
        danger["danger\n(Danger.js rules and plugins)\nDanger.js"]

    eslint-config .-> archive
    eslint-config .-> danger

    style apps fill:lightgreen
    style eslint fill:skyblue
    style date fill:yellow
    style bots fill:orange

Merge Request CI

Merge Request CI

Main CI

Main CI

💕 Special Thanks

  • I want to say thank you to the best woman in the world, my wife Diana for her love, daily support, motivation and inspiration.

❤️ Support or Donate

If you are enjoying this work and feel extra appreciative, you could buy me a book 📖 or 3 📖📖📖.