
an app that analyzes companies, their subsidiaries & the products they offer

Primary LanguagePython

Subsidiary Application:

Use case

  • Often it's difficult to understand all of the complex relationships between parent corporations, their subsidiaries and all of the products under their umbrellas of portfolios
  • This application is an attempt to better comprehend what products we interact with in our daily lives


  • Neo4j (Database)
  • Spring Data Neo4j (API)
  • Spring GraphQL (API)
  • Beautiful Soup / Selenium (WebScraping)

to do:

  • React (Front End)
  • Graph Data Science (to better understand clustering and similarities)
  • AWS Comprehend (NLP to extract more insights out of unstructured data soruce)
  • Expand webscraping to build a larger initial graph
  • Host via AWS managed services

Helpful documentation: