
An interactive narrative take on vulnerable coastal communities in TamilNadu due to Climate change

Primary LanguageSvelte


Coastal zones of tamilnadu have been neglected and the socio-sphere of the coastal zones of TN is being rapidly orbanised with increasing coastal traffic and interest in industries along the coast. There have been multiple interviews based on a researcher's work that I have been involved in.

Who is it being visualised/developed for?

How do I present this to the local fishermen?

  • But then again they go back to the same shore, because their livelihoods are dependant on the coast. How do I present it to them? Tamil versions? Animations?
  • Should i show micro views. We are used to seeing maps as whole countries, states, districts. Do they realise it? Why do maps show up in the lowest zoom level possible?
  • How do I show them the impact of climate change on their livelihoods?

What is the outcome expected?

To understand the impact of climate change on local people and communities. Consider a sea level rise simulator like what NOAA has for America 1 2 3

  • This would include the coastal communities, the coastal landuse dataset to calculate loss and other vulnerable community datasets on the same map.
  • This should allow a more personal direction, a more personal connection. Should it ideally start with a map? Why are there no Tamil based maps?

Base website starter created

  • Figuring out the MapLibre library
  • Issues with GeoJSON hosting curved geometries
  • Load DEM, crop rasters


  • Relationships should be explored and exploited for good visualisations
  • Comparison view
  • Narrative flow

What am i visualising again?

  • Vulnerable communities
  • Coastal regulation zones
  • at risk regions(flood maps)

Run instructions

npm run dev


  1. Sea Level Rise Viewer, NOAA, https://coast.noaa.gov/ b

  2. Make Quick Inundation Maps in QGIS Using Open Data, dir. by Hans van der Kwast, 2018 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXQ92oVua3s> [accessed 5 May 2023]

  3. ‘IPCC AR6 Sea Level Projection Tool’, NASA Sea Level Change Portal <https://sealevel.nasa.gov/ipcc-ar6-sea-level-projection-tool> [accessed 5 May 2023]