
Software Architect Technical Assignment

Primary LanguageC#


Software Architect Technical Assignment


  • If data with same transaction ID has been uploaded again with different amount, currency or date, it will replace the old data (upsert)
  • To build the project you must install .NET6 SDK
  • The WebApp project is the startup project
  • To run the project you must have PostgreSQL running or you can run a container by use docker-compose.yml in src folder)


  • Domain Driven Design

    Just use it a little bit because there is only one entity for this domain boundary

  • CQRS

    To seperate Command (writing) and Query (reading) of models

  • Onion Architecture

Persistence Framework

I've chosen to use Marten as peristence framework instead of EF core.


Just a normal razor pages with custom file validation from StackOverflow and some custom error pages.



  • api/transaction
    • query params
      • currencyCode
      • start, end (datetime)
      • status

Additional libraries

  • CsvReader

    A popular csv content reader and writer in .NET

  • LanguageExt

    A popular FP implementation in .NET

  • LinqKit

    Make things easier when doing Linq's Expression

  • MediatR

    To communicate with command handler in CQRS (no direct dependencies to handler)