LLM based breast cancer assistant.
Example questions
- I have breast cancer, please help me.
- I have 2 degree cancer, what can be done?
Run docker compose up in the main directory.
docker compose up -d
logs are available
docker compose logs -f
To switch it off
docker compose down
The DBs are initialised in init.dockerfile which is run in the main docker compose.
I adapted https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/saadmakhdoom/ecommerce-faq-chatbot-dataset?resource=download by adding some additional questions.
The ingestion is automated, when starting the app.
If you want to modify the questions/answers please refer to the file
Data is uploaded to elasticsearch in two formats:
- raw text
- vector using
Is done using semantic search.
The selected vector query is
query = {
"field": "text_vector",
"query_vector": vector_search_term,
"k": 5,
"num_candidates": 100
The chosen LLM is Mistral AI. https://mistral.ai/
I included a token for the review. I will expire soon. Use responsibly.
The token is stored in .env - if you want to change it.
Streamlit - click below to chat with the assistant:
Don't forget to submit your feedback after each answer!
The rag is also constantly evaluated using LLM-as-judge - after each question asked by the user.
Metrics are stored in Postgres and shown in grafana with (5 charts).
After each run of the model there is a LLM model as a judge which evaluates the correctness of the answer (stored in the db and visible in the dashboards)
Dashboards are created in the init.dockerfile.
To see the dashboards:
user: admin, password: admin
Notebooks are stored in the directory notebooks
- inside you can find the evaluations
- basic examples
- RAG evaluation