
This repository is dedicated to the core API of the TheyBuyForYou project

API documentation (Swagger)

This repository contains the API documentation of the TheyBuyForYou project. In order to see how the API will look like, you can go to https://editor.swagger.io/ and select File/Import from URL with the rawgit URL of the corresponding file (e.g., https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TBFY/knowledge-graph-API/master/API_description.yaml)

So far, 24 GET calls have been identified for the API:



GET /contract - Gets a list of contracts

GET /contract/{id} - Find contract by ID.

GET /contract/{id}/amendment - Amendments of a contract to return

GET /contract/{id}/document - Documents of a contract to return

GET /contract/{id}/item - Items of a contract to return


GET /release - Gets a list of contracting processes

GET /release/{id} - Find contracting process by ID

GET /release/{id}/award - Awards of a contracting process to return

GET /release/{id}/contract - Contracts of a contracting process to return


GET /organisation

GET /organisation/{id} - Find an organisation by ID

GET /organisation/{id}/release - Contracting-processes of an organisation to return

GET /organisation/{id}/award - Awards of an organisation to return


GET /award - Gets a list of awards

GET /award/{id} - Find an award by ID

GET /award/{id}/amendment - Amendments of an award to return

GET /award/{id}/item - Items of an award to return

GET /award/{id}/supplier - Suppliers of an award to return

GET /award/{id}/document - Documents of an award to return


GET /tender - Gets a list of tenders

GET /tender/{id} - Find tender by ID

GET /tender/{id}/item - Items of a tender to return

GET /tender/{id}/release - Contracting-processes of a tender to return

GET /tender/{id}/document - Documents of a tender to return

The API returns JSON a JSON file. Here you are some examples of how the API works:


Release by Id

-> https:///release/10 <-


"ocid": 0,

"id": 0,

"datetime": {

"date": "string",

"time": 0


"tag": [


  "releasetag": "string"



"initiationtype": "string",

"parties": [


  "id": 0,

  "legalname": "string"



"buyer": {},

"planning": {},

"tender": {},

"awards": [


  "id": 0,

  "title": "string"



"contracts": [


  "id": 0,

  "title": "string"



"language": "string",

"relatedprocesses": [


  "id": 0,

  "title": "string"





All contracts from organization 1001

-> https:///organisation/1001/release <-



"id": 0,

"title": "string",

"description": "string",

"datetime": {

  "date": "string",

  "time": 0




"id": 1,

"title": "string",

"description": "string",

"datetime": {

  "date": "string",

  "time": 0





Awards in a period (start=XXXX and end=YYYY)

-> https:///award?12120202 <-



"id": 0,

"title": "string",

"description": "string",

"datetime": {

  "date": "string",

  "time": 0




"id": 1,

"title": "string",

"description": "string",

"datetime": {

  "date": "string",

  "time": 0





Tenders by status (status = cancelled)

-> https:///tender?status=cancelled <-



"id": 0,

"title": "string",

"description": "string"





"id": 1,

"title": "string",

"description": "string"



This file will be updated as the API is developed.