This is a scrabble-like game built with React.js, react-dnd, and react-flip-move.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
All dependencies are listed in the package.json.
Clone the repo, move to directory and perform the standard install:
npm install
To run locally:
npm start
TODO: Fix unit tests.
To deploy:
npm build
- React - The JS framework used
- React-Bootstrap - The front-end styling framework
- react-flip-move - The magic that makes it work
- react-dnd - Build complex drag and drop interfaces while keeping your components decoupled
Submit a pull request.
I use Git for versioning.
- Nicholas Vincent-Hill - nvincenthill
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.
I make a concerted effort to use only unlicensed content - If I have included your work submit a pull request and I will remove it.
- Wes Bos's React tutorials helped me learn the React framework and produce this content.
- Joshua Comeau's react-flip-move demo inspired this project -
- Sound effects obtained from -