Bank Bankster Bank Transaction Web App Backend


  • This is the backend server to the Bank Bankster Bank Transaction Web App
  • This backend server is build using Node.js and the Express framework, along with few other npm packages.
  • Link to backend server

Table of Contents


To install this app, fork and clone to your local machine and type the following in terminal to install all dependencies.

npm i


To begin running the server, type the following in the terminal.

nodemon server.js


My Skills


This server app uses:

  • nanoid version 3 package to generate random ids.
  • cors version 2 package to provide middleware for this Express server and enable it to connect with the Frontend.
  • dotenv version 16 package to allow loading of environment variables from a .env file into process.env.
  • express version 4 package as server web framework for Node.js.
  • nodemon version 3 package to automatically restart server when file changes in the directory are made.