
Reformation is a branch of Doctrine Orm created from version 1.2.1. It contains many new features and bug fixes.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


Reformation is a branch of Doctrine Orm created from version 1.2.1. It contains many new features and bug fixes. If you would like to contribute please contact us. 
We would like to see our improvements merged back to the main project at some point if possible. 
Some of the issues resolved are referenced but not marked resolved in http://www.doctrine-project.org/jira. Other issues I have put in our git issue tracker

Changes Log from doctrine version 1.2.1
[DC-911](http://www.doctrine-project.org/jira/browse/DC-911) added the Doctrine_Core::modelLoaded. Checks if a model exists in the _loadedModelFiles
[DC-912](http://www.doctrine-project.org/jira/browse/DC-912) For my project I needed to be able to reassign connections to models when they are autoloaded – this had to be able to happen during a conservative model loading process before the models had been instantiated. My solution was to build in a hook to a "autoloadSetUp" method which can be attached to any model (or class that is the base for a model). Attach a static method to any model you create called autoloadSetUp. All our models extend a class that detects the appropriate connection the that model should be attached too. Here is an example of how we use it to bind our models to different conections:

abstract class Doctrine_Record_AccountBinding extends Doctrine_Record
	 * a static function I have patched doctrine to recognize. In this case it is used to rebind the component when a autload occures
	static public function autoloadSetUp()
		$className = get_called_class();
		$newConnName = self::findRightConnection();
		Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->bindComponent($className, $newConnName);

[DC-910](http://www.doctrine-project.org/jira/browse/DC-910) Fixed: When subqueries are used in the on part of a join clause the Doctrine_Query_JoinCondition class does not always create the proper sql. For instance when there are 2 subqueries used in a between doctrine tries to parse the statement as 1 subquery rather 2 subqueries with an "and". I also fixed an issue where "(SQL:" syntax was breaking the join as well.
[DC-920](http://www.doctrine-project.org/jira/browse/DC-920) I discovered that I could greatly optimize some of the queries that were being run through our system by adding a STRAIGHT_JOIN keyword to the front of the select. I added a feature to doctrine which allows me to inject sql into the query in the right place to enable features such as "STRAIGHT_JOIN". Example.
	public function testBeforeBodySelectNoneDQL() 
        $q = new Doctrine_Query();
        $q->select("DISTINCT STRAIGHT_JOIN u.name, p.id");
		$q->from('User u');
		$q->leftJoin("u.Phonenumber p ON (p.phonenumber = '123 123')");
        $this->assertEqual($q->getSqlQuery(), "SELECT DISTINCT STRAIGHT_JOIN e.id AS e__id, e.name AS e__name, p.id AS p__id FROM entity e LEFT JOIN phonenumber p ON (p.phonenumber = '123 123') WHERE (e.type = 0)");
        $this->assertEqual($q->getDql(), "SELECT DISTINCT STRAIGHT_JOIN u.name, p.id FROM User u LEFT JOIN u.Phonenumber p ON (p.phonenumber = '123 123')");
[DC-921](http://www.doctrine-project.org/jira/browse/DC-921) I figured it would be handy to have a WITH ROLLUP be add able to the group by clause. Example:
	public function testAggregateValueMappingSupportsLeftJoinsWithRollUp()
        $q = new Doctrine_Query();

        $q->select('MAX(u.name), u.*, p.*')->from('User u')->leftJoin('u.Phonenumber p')->groupby('u.id');
        $this->assertEqual($q->getSqlQuery(), 'SELECT e.id AS e__id, e.name AS e__name, e.loginname AS e__loginname, e.password AS e__password, e.type AS e__type, e.created AS e__created, e.updated AS e__updated, e.email_id AS e__email_id, p.id AS p__id, p.phonenumber AS p__phonenumber, p.entity_id AS p__entity_id, MAX(e.name) AS e__0 FROM entity e LEFT JOIN phonenumber p ON e.id = p.entity_id WHERE (e.type = 0) GROUP BY e.id WITH ROLLUP');
[DC-754](http://www.doctrine-project.org/jira/browse/DC-754) Fixed: When you include a dot in a string in your select statement the function getExpressionOwner in Doctrine_Query fires and considers that the text appearing before the dot in the string is the name of a class. There for it attempts to extract a short alias out of it.
[DC-937](http://www.doctrine-project.org/jira/browse/DC-937) Fixed: When you call a stored procedure from a schema other than that of the current connection: [schema_name].[stored_procedure_name]([stored_procedure_arguments]) doctrine miss understands the string and throws a "Couldn't get short alias for" exception.
[DC-1010](http://www.doctrine-project.org/jira/browse/DC-1010) Fixed: When putting a subquery in the where clause which includes a join and a limit the limit subquery algorithm mistakenly modifies the subquery
[issue 1](#1) added Doctrine_Manager::getDisabledValidators, Doctrine_Manager::getDisabledValidator, Doctrine_Manager::setDisabledValidators, methods. This was origenally to deal with this bug but is useful for many other things: Reformation: Unique Fields throw an error if you use replace
[issue 2](#2) Fixed: Subqueries can over write the $this->_queryComponents[$componentAlias]['agg'] settings for a query
[issue 3](#3) Fixed: If you have a where with 2 subqueries in it doctrine can't parse it
[issue 4](#4) Fixed: Add a inTransaction method to connection
[issue 5](#5) Fixed: Non Contiguous Migrations are not suported
[issue 6](#6) Fixed: Allow getSqlQuery to use query cache the same way running actual queries work. Added methods: Doctrine_Query::getSqlQueryCachable
[issue 10](#10) Fixed: Change the table class to throw its exception to instead of hiding the cause of the error
[issue 11](#11) Fixed: Change Doctrine_Hydrator_TransparentDriver to PDO::FETCH_ASSOC
[issue 12](#12) Fixed: Option to speed optimize the method by which query cache works, add methods: Doctrine_Query::setFastQueryCache, Doctrine_Query::getFastQueryCache, should be used in tandum with setSimpleSqlAlias option
[issue 13](#13) Fixed: Added simpleSqlAlias option, This option simplifies the way that aliases are generated in queries. This can provide a speed boost to query sql generation. Add methods: Doctrine_Query::setSimpleSqlAlias and Doctrine_Query::getSimpleSqlAlias
[issue 14](#14) Fixed: Add Doctrine_Hydrator_TransparentDriver,Added transparent Doctrine_Hydrator_TransparentDriver. A driver that lets record sets be hydrated as a simple assoc array with the mysql alias names taken directly from the query. Use together with simpleSqlAlias functionality.
[issue 15](#15) Fixed: Add legacy mode option so reformation functionality need not be enforced, Add Doctrine_Core::setLegacyMode and Doctrine_Core::getLegacyMode and then put hooks in the code for it.

Modifing Authors
Will Ferrer, Ethan Brooks


2013 Modifications to origenal project developed under license for Switchsoft LLC http://www.switchsoft.com a "Direct response telephony company" as part of it's "VOIP Call distribution, ROI analysis platform, call recording, and IVR for inbound and outbound sales" and Run the Business Systems LLC a "Technology development investment group" as part of it's "PHP, Javascript rapid application development framework and MySQL analysis tools"



Please send tickets and issues to our contact email address or at: https://github.com/runthebusiness/reformation/issues

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