This repo contains code for challenges/competitions hosted on HackerEarth. These might include practice competitions and/or competitive challenges. Below each problem, I have listed different concepts/lessons which were learnt during the course of the challenge.
I. IndiaHacks 2017 Machine Learning - Predict the Road Sign :
- Basic structure and approach of an ML problem
II. ML Challenge #2 - Funding Kickstarter projects :
- Pre-processing of text features
- CBOW + Naive Bayes/Tree models
III. Deep Learning Challenge #1 - Identifying grocery product category :
- Deep CNN models with Dropout, Data augmentation
- Using ImageNet pre-trained models (VGG16 etc.)
IV. ML Challenge #4 - Predict Network Attacks :
- Cross-validation setup
- Feature engineering
- Ensembles (stacking GBM models)
V. ML Challenge for Beginners - Predict Customer Happiness (Sentiment Analysis) :
- Word cloud for EDA
- Different text embeddings - word2vec, tf-idf, GLoVE etc.
VI. BrainWaves ML Challenge - Predict Annual Returns + Predict Fraudulent Transactions :
- Gradient boosting methods
- Feature selection and Feature engineering (using xgbfir)
- Stacked ensembles for regression