
Ecwid REST API documentation (

The docs use Markdown syntax. Syntax reference: Slate markdown


January 18, 2017

  • Added support for SEO-friendly URLs for Ecwid storefronts. Learn more
  • SEO-friendly URLs can be retrieved from Ecwid REST API for products and categories URLs in URL field using cleanUrls request parameter. Also, it's possible to change the base storefront URL for such URLs using baseUrl request parameter.

January 17, 2017

  • NEW Added Ecwid.OnOrderPlaced() event for Ecwid JavaScript API. It allows to get order details in storefront right after it's placed by customer. Learn more

January 16, 2017

  • NEW You can now get public_token value in a native app interface by using EcwidApp.getPayload() or decrypting payload on server (for enhanced security authentication apps). Learn more
  • To keep the digital goods of our merchants protected, we removed access token from adminUrl field when getting product details. To download a file, just add the token parameter with the token as a value: ?token=abcde1234

January 5, 2017

  • NEW Added support for product dimensions feature. Now each product and shipping itself can be calculated according to the product dimensions specified for products.

December 27, 2016

  • NEW Added support for passing custom application state for Native applications. You can use this to initiate a custom action performed when loading the application tab in Ecwid Control Panel. Learn more

December 26, 2016

  • NEW Added READY_FOR_PICKUP fulfillment status for orders and pickup fields support for selected shipping options in order. Learn more

December 8, 2016

  • NEW Added Custom Promo API to apply discounts to orders when customer is at checkout. Learn more

December 1, 2016

  • NEW Added new order payment status: Partially Refunded. Learn more
  • NEW Added support for tax exempt customers in the Ecwid REST API. Learn more

##November 15, 2016

  • NEW Added ability to get product details using multiple product IDs separated by a comma. Learn more
  • NEW Added latest category update date to store update stats. Learn more

##November 4, 2016

  • NEW Added more ways to contact store for the new Starter site: Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram and more. Learn more

##October 27, 2016

  • NEW Added new REST API endpoint for getting up-to-date HTML invoice of a specific order. Learn more

##October 26, 2016

  • NEW Added hideOutOfStockProductsInStorefront field to control the visibility of out of stock products in storefront. Learn more

##October 17, 2016

  • NEW Added support for custom HTTP headers when using webhooks. Learn more
  • Added Python examples for file upload methods

##August 23, 2016

  • NEW Added methods to change colors and font of a storefront. Learn more

##August 16,2016

  • NEW Added methods to get and update starter site content details. Learn more

##August 15, 2016

  • NEW Added new JavaScript API functions to set various customer details in storefront. Learn more
  • Improved 'Generate cart with products' method with new fields, like customer address, customer email and order comments. Learn more

##July 26, 2016

  • New Added Javascript API Method for getting public token in storefront. Learn more
  • Public tokens can now create orders. Learn more
  • Added webhooks for application changes (install/uninstall, status change). Learn more

##July 14, 2016

  • NEW added public access tokens support. It allows to get public information of a store from anywhere with Ecwid REST API. Learn more

##July 8, 2016

  • NEW added Ecwid.Cart.gotoCheckout() function to start checkout process for a customer in a storefront. Learn more

##July 5, 2016

  • Added hdThumbnailUrl for products, categories and combinations. This field provides URL to a resized to fit 650x650px image of an entity.

##June 30, 2016

  • Added start and end subscription timestamps for application subscription status. Learn more

##June 27, 2016

  • Added instructions for generating custom customer's cart using a link. Learn more
  • Added instruction for centering popup windows in Ecwid storefronts and Control panels, working in an iframe containers. Learn more

##June 23, 2016

  • Added JS method to remove specific products from customer's cart. Learn more

##June 21, 2016

  • Added SEO title and description fields for each product. Now you can control how products are presented in search engine results.

##June 15, 2016

  • New version of Ecwid JS SDK: 1.2.1. In this version we fixed height issues with fixed positioned elements.

##June 14, 2016

  • App public config now can store up to 64Kb of data. Learn more

##June 2, 2016

  • NEW Single Sign On feature now works via Ecwid APIv3 credentials. While old implementations of SSO are still functional, we encourage you to update to the latest specifications. Learn more

##May 30, 2016

  • New feature: private admin notes for orders. See orders endpoint for privateAdminNotes field

##May 26, 2016

  • Added new fields describing order details when sending request for a custom shipping methods.

##May 24, 2016

  • Added fields to control manual/automatic tax calculation. To manage taxes, use taxSettings field

##May 23, 2016

  • New version of Ecwid JS SDK: 1.2.0. Changelog includes a fix for the issues with page height when autoheight: true was specified.
  • Added Ecwid.getStorefrontLang() function to get the language of the storefront as soon as it starts loading.

##May 20, 2016

  • Added a new sort type to search for products: UPDATED_TIME_ASC and UPDATED_TIME_DESC
  • Added product and category image details, see originalImage field

##May 12, 2016

  • Added support to control Order Comments functionality in the store profile section

##May 4, 2016

  • Added endpoint for creating Ecwid stores and checking if store exists

##April 27, 2016

  • NEW Added Custom Payment API to add new payment methods for Ecwid stores

##March 23, 2016

  • New minor version 1.1.1 of Ecwid Javascript SDK is out. It includes a fix for using cyrillic characters in the Application storage.

##March 19, 2016

  • Added small example for using jQuery library when customizing Ecwid Storefront

##March 18, 2016

  • NEW Added Custom Shipping API to add new shipping methods for Ecwid stores

##February 25, 2016

  • NEW Added endpoint for calculating order details on demand for custom checkouts
  • NEW Added SKU and Product ID filters to ’Search Products’ endpoint

##February 18, 2016

  • 'Search products' method will now return all available product fields

##February 16, 2016

  • Updated Storefront JS API section

##February 8, 2016

  • Updated wording of Authentication section
  • Added new content to Overview section

##January 18, 2016

  • Added PHP examples for uploading binary data (images)

##January 15, 2016

  • Added TRIAL status for Application endpoint
  • Updates to the structure of Authentication section
  • Added 'isShippingRequired' field for Products endpoint
  • Added support for Google Analytics in Store profile endpoint
  • Updated structure of Storefront JS API
  • New Storefront JS API function: getInitializedWidgets()

##December 14, 2015

  • Added unfinished order event types for webhooks
  • Added order status changes details for webhooks

##December 2, 2015

  • NEW Enhanced application storage with easy access from JS APIs. Use this to store, manage and access your users preferences and other app data
  • NEW Customer groups (membserhips) can now be managed over the REST API. Need an idea on how to use that in an application? Here is one: track customer sales and automatically provide them with a membership based on the money they have spent in your store.

##November 19, 2015

  • Moved JS API documentation from Ecwid Help Center to

##November 17, 2015

  • Added "Application" endpoint

##November 3, 2015

  • Added a PHP code example to the webhooks documentation
  • New minor version of Ecwid JS SDK is released (v 1.0.2). It contains a fix for the layout issues of embedded apps in some browsers.

##September 22, 2015

  • Updated description text for adjustProductInventory and adjustCombinationInventory
  • Updated text for compareToPrice field description
  • Added webhooks documentation

##September 14, 2015

  • New minor version of Ecwid JS SDK is released (v 1.0.1). It contains a fix for the bug that caused layout issues in embedded apps (glitchy footer)

##September 5, 2015

  • Updated discountType field. Added mixed type of coupon (absolute discount AND free shipping, percentage discount AND free shipping)

##August 26, 2015

  • Added tax details to order items (taxOnDiscountedSubtotal and taxOnShipping fields)

##August 13, 2015

  • Added Single Sign On code examples

##July 27, 2015

  • Added a tip on how to search products for exact match using a keyword in quotes, e.g. "keyword". This is useful, for example, to get a product by SKU
  • Added emailLogoUrl and availableFeatures fields description in the Store profile endpoint section

##July 25, 2015

  • Added two code examples to the Library (A simple Ecwid oAuth client on PHP and a Laravel app template)

##July 8, 2015

  • Added description of how to use Ecwid oAuth in self hosted web apps, e.g. CMS plugins.
  • Introduced hosted app details pages in Ecwid Control Panel.

##June 14, 2015

  • Added handling fee options to the "Store profile" and "Orders" endpoints
  • Improved behavior of hidden product attributes in responses from "Products" endpoints

##June 7, 2015

  • All dates are returned in UTC now
  • Timestamp is now returned for orders and products
  • Options are now automatically created when you create a combination
  • Added a short usage policy text

##May 5, 2015

  • Added description of how to define date and time ranges in the "Search products" and "Search orders filters (
  • Fixed an error in the "Update product" endpoint spec: to update UPC and Brand product attributes, it's possible to use the 'alias' field in the AttributeValue object.

##April 27, 2015

##April 3, 2015

##April 2, 2015

  • Added ability to get the user language in embedded applications ("lang" parameter in the payload)
  • Added a link to the new Developers site (

##March 2, 2015

  • Added troubleshooting section to the "Embedding apps" section

##March 2, 2015

  • Added the "API availability on Ecwid plans" paragraph to the Overview section to explain which merchants are allowed to use the API
  • Added clarifications to the access scopes list in the Authentication section

##February 19, 2015

  • Added PHP example of Ecwid payload decryption in embedded apps

##February 16, 2015

  • Added mailNotifications field in the store settings. Now you can get and update the mail notifications settings over API
  • Added Legacy API links in the Overview section
  • The default items limit in the products search response is changed from 10 to 100

##January 15, 2015

  • Added Single Sign-on API description

##January 7, 2015

  • Added static links for CSS SDK and JS SDK

##December 30, 2014

  • Added "Update product file description" endpoint

##December 11, 2014

  • Categories requests/response now supports batch requests parameters (limit/offset/total/count)
  • Search products now supports ADDED_TIME_ASC sort order
  • Upload image requests now respond with 422 error when the uploaded file does not seem to be an image
  • "Get categories" request didn’t return category product IDs. Fixed.

##December 2, 2014

  • Added "Embedded applications" specification