
Java core examples for beginner

Primary LanguageJava

Tranining on Java Core

Includes the core java basic useful for Android


  • JDK ( OpenJDK or Oracle JDK)
  • Text Editor (Any thing- Sublime or Atom or <3 emacs)
  • IDE (not recommended :( )


  • How it works? (JDK, JRE, JVM, .java, .class, bytecode)
  • write/edit - compile - run (editor, javac, java)
  • Type Safe
  • Basic Structure
  • Comments (Single line or multiline)
  • Variables, Data Types (int, char, float, double,bool, String-Refrence Type etc)

data_type <identifier>; // eg int rollNo; //RollNo rollNo roll_no; // No special chars (except _) String name; // value assign => Operation Assignment (=) // Value Type Numeric,char ('SingleQuote') ,String ("Double Quote") rollNo = 10; // declar with initialization String address = "Kathmandu";

  • Expression + Operators (+,-,* etc)

float marks_math=123.90, marks_eng =234.09; float avg = (marks_math+marks_eng)/2;

  • Statements/Block - terminate by ; / block-{ }
  • if..elseif..else, switch

` if(expression){ // true }else{ // false } // evaluation operatiors ( == <= >= < > !(NOT) != AND(&&) OR(||) // !true => false // !false => true // true && true => true otherwise false // false || false => false otherwise true // eg : percent = 89 // percent >=60 && percent < 80 => true

float percent = 89;
if(percent >=60 && percent < 80){
    System.out.println("First Division");
    System.out.println("Other  Division");

// else if
if(percent >=60 && percent < 80){
    System.out.println("First Division");
else if(percent >=80) {
    // else


  • Conditional Operator (? :)
  • Iterations: while, for, do-while, foreach

` while (expn){ delay(1006010) // execute this }

while(x==8){ // I can use x here x= x+5-y; }

do{ // this block execute at least once }while(expn)

// for ++, // eg: x++; => x = x+1; // eg: x--; => x = x-1; for(counter-init; counter-evaluate; counter-inc-dec; ){ // loop Body }


  • Nested Loop
  • Array / Object
  • Defining Class
  • Getter/Setter
  • Different ways of creating Objects
  • Overloading
  • Calling Methods
  • Inheritance (extend/implement)
  • Example of implement


  • List, ArrayList
  • Generic Types

Standard Library

  • File handling
  • Http handling