
Implementation of the Chaum-Pedersen ZK Protocol in Rust

Primary LanguageRust

The Chaum-Pedersen protocol is a zero-knowledge proof used in cryptographic systems. It allows one party (the prover) to prove to another party (the verifier) that they know a secret, without revealing the secret itself.

Here's a simplified version of how the protocol works, along with the math involved:

Commitment: The prover selects a random number r. They compute t = g^r mod p and send t to the verifier. Here, g is a generator of a cyclic group of order q with modulus p.

Challenge: The verifier sends a random number c to the prover as a challenge.

Response: The prover computes s = r + c*x mod q and sends s to the verifier. Here, x is the prover's secret.

Verification: The verifier checks if g^s mod p equals t * y^c mod p. Here, y = g^x mod p is the prover's public key. If the equation holds, the verifier accepts the proof.

The protocol is zero-knowledge because the verifier learns nothing about the prover's secret x from the proof. The protocol is also interactive and requires the prover and verifier to exchange several messages.

The Chaum-Pedersen protocol is based on the hardness of the Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP). It assumes that it's computationally infeasible to compute x given g, p, and g^x mod p, which ensures the security of the protocol.

You can run the tests using:

cargo test

Also check out the gRPC-server branch other than main.