
Quick MEAN chat app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Quick MEAN chat app

Git repository: https://github.com/ruparocks/rr-chat Web app: https://rr-chat.herokuapp.com/

Basic specs that I want to accomplish with this small project:

  • Login with a nickname ONLY, then straight to the public chat room. (Note that multiple users can choose the same nickname but it should be clear they are not the same user.)
  • Ability to send messages to the public chat room
  • View the last 10 messages (prior to the connection / entering the public chat room)
  • Receive new messages (semi-real time) in the public chat room while connected
  • Each user should have an avatar by his messages.


Think about the UX and implement an intuitive UI, the design should be responsive and fill the available screen space (i.e. use a stretched layout, not a boxed layout).


  • Use MEAN Stack (AngularJS 1.5.7) with MongooseJS.
  • Publish to Heroku or EC2.
  • Use AJAX for sending messages.
  • Use Bootstrap as the UI framework.
  • DO NOT use websocket, SOCKET.IO or similar open source pub\sub drivers.
  • DO NOT use boilerplate code. The code needs to minimal and it needs to be yours ONLY, except for the packages: express, body-parser and mongoose.
  • DO NOT use other JavaScript frameworks – for ex. jQuery, ReactJS, EmberJS or BackboneJS.