
Your personal Expense Manager in FLASK. 🚀

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Build Status

A web app for expense manager made using Flask (a python microframework). Made for CSI, NSIT event. (Couldn't win, but got a special mention 🎉)

Key Features:

  1. Data visualization for user
  2. Set and add budget for a given month.
  3. Set expenditure daily or on a monthly basis.
  4. Use of python libraries and jinja to avoid Javascript and Jquery completely.
  5. Login authentication. (created using python decorators) And forget password functionality.
  6. Database access only for admin.

See local setup steps: Local Setup on Windows

Few screenshots of the working app!

To Do:

  • Deploy app on heroku 🚀.
  • Add tests and Travis CI
  • Use Bokeh ✨ instead of pygal for data visualization.
  • Plotting of purchase location of a user in a map.
  • Add more features to the app like,providing a option to add a new category, use Wordnet to automatically add expenditure of a user in one of the pre-defined categories by comments.
  • Comparision of a user with average users in terms of budget and expenditure.
  • Add relevant info in home tab in the dashboard.