
Intel SGX with GoLang

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Go with Intel SGX


go-with-intel-sgx shows how to call C/C++ functions of Intel SGX enclave in Go language using cgo interface.

After compiling in each sample codes in a SampleCode directory, it creates a libtee which calls C/C++ functions for using enclave functionalities.

How to test

source $SGX_SDK/environment # not needed when you already have it
git clone https://github.com/rupc/go-with-intel-sgx
cd go-with-intel-sgx/SampleCode/Cxx11SGXDemo/
make && make cgo

(It is tested under SGX v2.5)


Currently, I only added Cxx11SGXDemo which is one of the official sample codes by linux-sgx. A plan to add more sample examples as in sgxsdk/SampleCode/ (e.g., RemoteAttestation) is going to be done.