
Intro Welcome to Vacation-Rental aka Air BnB, the pinnacle of stays, where i put a vintage twist on the vacation rental model.I had a lot of fun implementing the functionality and styling to give it more of a vintage/1990s/earlier days of internet twist. Hope you all like it as well!


  • I implemented the following features:
  • Architectured a smooth component structure to optimize the code applied within my dynamic app
  • Employed asynchronous fetches for CRUD functionality for stays & reviews
  • Applied useEffect & useState functionality for fetching the backend data
  • Created the site structure to update based on mobile vs desktop viewing experience

Backend For the backend:

  • Involved Ruby, Sinatra & sql to create the stay, review, and user data structures and routes
  • Tested the fetches as needed with binding.pry or Postman to ensure back-end worked appropriately



Deploy To deploy i chose to use Vercel for my front end and Heroku for my backend. I updated my build, fetches, functionality, etc. to ensure a smooth user experience.



Getting Started

Clone this repo, and make sure to run the commands mentioned below from your terminal within the root project directory.


Make use Node.js is installed, and npm is up to date:

npm@latest -g

Run the provided setup script:

npm run setup

Run and debug the application with the dev script:

npm run dev

Build and run the compiled version with the build and start scripts:

npm run build
npm run start

Things to improve

  • Project requirements!


Feel free to find and contact me at the following:

Twitter LinkedIn

Thank you