Chandy-Misra-Haas Algorithm for the AND Model

This Python program is a simulation of the Chandy-Misra-Haas algorithm for distributed deadlock detection in the AND model. It serves as an educational tool to understand the algorithm's implementation and how it detects deadlocks in a distributed system.


Python 3.6 or higher


  1. Navigate to the directory containing the script.
  2. Run the script using the command: python or python3
  3. Observe the output to see if a deadlock has been detected.


You can modify the process_connections dictionary in the main() function of the script to test different scenarios.

The keys of the dictionary represent process IDs, and the values are lists of dependent process IDs:

process_connections = {
 0: [1, 2],
 1: [2],
 2: [0, 3],
 3: [4],
 4: [1]


This implementation is a simplified simulation of a distributed system and is not suitable for use in real distributed systems. It is designed for educational purposes to help understand the Chandy-Misra-Haas algorithm for the AND model.

Algorithm Description

The Chandy-Misra-Haas algorithm is a distributed deadlock detection algorithm for the AND model. In the AND model, a process is considered deadlocked if it is waiting for all of its requested resources to be granted. In this algorithm, each process maintains a local wait-for graph and sends probe messages to its dependent processes. The algorithm detects a deadlock when a process receives a probe message with its own identifier.

The provided Python implementation defines a Process class that represents a process in a distributed system. Each process has a unique id, a list of dependent_processes, a local wait_for_graph, and a message_queue. The run method of the Process class listens for incoming messages and calls the send_probe method to send probe messages to dependent processes.

The setup_processes function initializes the processes with their dependencies, and the main function sets up the threads for each process and initiates the deadlock detection.