
A tool to generate Google Services XML Resources from Google Services JSON File.

Primary LanguageJava

Google Services Java Plugin

A tool to generate Google Services Resource File(values.xml) from Google Services JSON File(google-services.json).

The projects is migrated from the official Google Services Gradle Plugin Repository and is not being officially maitaind by Google. The project aims to help open source community. Thus owner of this repository is ready to resolve Copyright Issues if there are any.


  1. Place google-services.json file in the root directory.

  2. Run the following commands one by one:

    javac -cp ".;libs/gson-2.8.7.jar;libs/guava-27.0.1-jre.jar" gs.java
    java -cp ".;libs/gson-2.8.7.jar;libs/guava-27.0.1-jre.jar" gs
  3. After running the above commands, a file values.xml will be created at Interm/values/ directory. Make sure these folders exists before running the above commands.

Libraries Used:




Feel free to contribute to the project by opening issues and creating pull requests.