
Prom 6 package PetriNetReplayAnalysis

Primary LanguageJava


PetriNetReplayAnalysis: Conformance and Performance measure

This package implement the algorithms described on this article1 and it’s developed into ProM 6.1 framework. The package is composed of two plugin to measure conformance and performance metrics.

Both plugin replayed a log events on the bussiness process model. The model is a Petri net and reproduces a bussiness process.

The result of Conformance plugin is a set Petri nets with annoted for all place remaining, missing token and transition force enabled for all trace of log.

The result of performance plugin is a set Petri nets with annoted for all place sojourn, wait and synchronization time for all trace log and all Petri net place, and annoted them on the Petri net.


The user guide for this plugin is here https://svn.win.tue.nl/repos/prom/Documentation/PetriNetReplayAnalysis.pdf

The source code for this plugin is here https://github.com/rupos-it/PetriNetReplayAnalysis 


1Roberto Bruni, Andrea Corradini, Gianluigi Ferrari, Tito Flagella, Roberto Guanciale, and Giorgio O. Spagnolo. Applying process analysis to the italian egovernment enterprise architecture. In Proceedings of WS-FM 2011, 8th International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods http://goo.gl/EmiDJ