
Cardano Market Place contains a simple market place contract loacted on marketplace-plutus.

The folder structure is

  • /frontend - contains client side for marketplace
  • /marketplace-cli - contains entry point for cli and cli commands and their parsing
  • /marketplace-core - contains marketplace core operations such as listing market utxos, buy sell of token etc which uses kuber library for building and submitting transactions
  • /marketplace-plutus - contains plutus contract code for simple marketplace

Kuber library used functions and their working

  • For selling token
    • txPayToScript - find market address from script, prepare value to be locked and obtain datum hash
    • txWalletAddress - The address to be used for selecting utxos when creating transaction i.e. seller address
  • For buying token
    • txPayTo - For paying the seller pay the required value to the seller address obtained from datum
    • txRedeemUtxo - Use txIn and txOut from market utxos, script, datum and redeemer
    • txWalletAddress - The address to be used for selecting utxos when creating transaction i.e. buyer address

Setting Up

To prepare your system for building kuber from sources, you can follow these instructions:

The steps can be summarized as 
- install system dependencies for ghc and cardano-node
- install ghc compiler and tools with ghcup
- install iokhk patch of libsodium on the system

The steps are described in detailed in the documentation of building-cardano-node-from-soruces

Install ghcup

Check [this page]( for further explanation on the installation process.

Setup ghc and cabal

ghcup install ghc 8.10.7
ghcup install cabal
ghcup set ghc 8.10.7
ghcup set cabal

Configuring the build options

We explicitly use the GHC version that we installed earlier. This avoids defaulting to a system version of GHC that might be older than the one you have installed.

cabal configure --with-compiler=ghc-8.10.7

Building and running

  1. Clone this repositroy. And Go to this reposiroty .
cd cardano-marketplace
  1. Run the following commands
cabal update
cabal build
  1. Now you can run the cli commands

List Market Utxos

  • For listing available market utxos
cabal run market-cli ls

Place Token on Sell

For placing token on sell - sell command first argument is assetId and second argument is price of the token to be placed
cabal run market-cli sell '<PolicyId.AssetName>' <Cost in Interger>

Example Command

cabal run market-cli sell 'fe0f87df483710134f34045b516763bad1249307dfc543bc56a9e738.testtoken' 2000000

Example Output:

Transaction submitted sucessfully with transaction hash eba7d070d45a90402b8f289ba5324bc425fe87c25d98c7bfaccac2802e1da7fa

Datum to be used for buying :

Buy Token

For buying token from the market - First find out the utxo that contains the asset you want to buy using
cabal run market-cli ls

Example output:

Market Address : addr_test1wzd8ssap4l5rge4aq59fh92gh7ey2zghxa6mzrpju38tw6g4p8ym9
  eba7d070d45a90402b8f289ba5324bc425fe87c25d98c7bfaccac2802e1da7fa#0	:	2 Ada +1 fe0f87df483710134f34045b516763bad1249307dfc543bc56a9e738.testtoken

Note the string containig #0 in format txId#txIndex copy that as txIn

Copy the datum printed from the sell output.

Now execute the following command.

cabal run market-cli buy '<txIn>' '<datum>'

For example command

cabal run market-cli buy 'eba7d070d45a90402b8f289ba5324bc425fe87c25d98c7bfaccac2802e1da7fa#0' '{"fields":[{"fields":[{"fields":[{"bytes":"edea1516f727e4dd650833f37b80109d55b64529244595612aacf62c"}],"constructor":0},{"fields":[],"constructor":1}],"constructor":0},{"int":2000000}],"constructor":0}'

Example output

Transaction submitted sucessfully with transaction hash 172cbdd784d3eaa70d000688cd290356ebf52136ccd7dbc55b33788ca10e7f05

Withdraw Token

- For withdrawing token from the market - First find out the utxo that contains the asset you want to buy using. For withdraw to work it must be signed by the seller.
cabal run market-cli ls

Example output:

Market Address : addr_test1wzd8ssap4l5rge4aq59fh92gh7ey2zghxa6mzrpju38tw6g4p8ym9
  eba7d070d45a90402b8f289ba5324bc425fe87c25d98c7bfaccac2802e1da7fa#0	:	2 Ada +1 fe0f87df483710134f34045b516763bad1249307dfc543bc56a9e738.testtoken

Note the string containig #0 in format txId#txIndex copy that as txIn

Copy the datum printed from the sell output.

Now execute the following command.

cabal run market-cli withdraw '<txIn>' '<datum>'

For example command

cabal run market-cli withdraw 'eba7d070d45a90402b8f289ba5324bc425fe87c25d98c7bfaccac2802e1da7fa#0' '{"fields":[{"fields":[{"fields":[{"bytes":"edea1516f727e4dd650833f37b80109d55b64529244595612aacf62c"}],"constructor":0},{"fields":[],"constructor":1}],"constructor":0},{"int":2000000}],"constructor":0}'

Example output

Transaction submitted sucessfully with transaction hash 172cbdd784d3eaa70d000688cd290356ebf52136ccd7dbc55b33788ca10e7f05