
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Message-Dispatcher is a demo app that allows a RingCentral admin user to subscribe to all extensions within your RingCentral account. This enables the app to listen to presence events for extensions within your account and to dispatch a message ( send SMS ) when specific numbers are dialled. For more information, read the RingCentral Developer Guide - Notifications and Subscriptions.



Clone the repository to your local system: [Optionally, you can fork it first, but will need to modify the URI in the following command to match your fork's GIT repository.]

git clone https://github.com/anilkumarbp/Message-Dispatcher.git

Change your working directory to the newly cloned repository:

cd Message-Dispatcher

Install dependencies using NPM:

npm install

Define an Application in RingCentral

In order to communicate with the RingCentral API, you will need to have RingCentral API Keys for the appropriate environment, either Sandbox or Production.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: The Device permission listed below is not currently available through special request. Please Submit a Support Request using the Developer Portal please reference that you are using the Message-Dispatcher module created by the RingCentral Developer Community, and request access for this permission to be added to your application. Make sure to include your Application Name in your request.

NOTE: Since this application is server-side only, this value is not important. The OAuth Redirect URI value recommended below is only for development purposes on your local computer.

  1. Login to the Developer Portal https://developer.ringcentral.com/login.html#/ if you haven't already.
  2. Click on 'Create App' to define a new application, here are the recommended parameters to operate with Message-Dispatcher:
    • Application Name: Your choice, but something easy to identify and associate with purpose is good
    • Application Type: Private
    • Platform Type: Embedded
    • Permissions Needed:
      • Read Accounts
      • SMS
    • OAuth Redirect URI: http://localhost:3000
  3. Once you have successfully defined your application, you will need to obtain the API Credentials for your application to use in Development Environment Setup in the next steps. The API Key and API Secret values are accessible to you in the Credentials section for your application in the RingCentral Developer Portal.

Development Environment Setup

Before operating the application for local development and testing, you will need to configure some RingCentral-specific environment variables.

You will need to create a .env file in the root directory of this application. We have created a file you can use as a template named TMP.env. Below are the steps to setup your development environment:

  1. Rename .env.tmpl to .env. From the terminal in Mac or Linux environments: mv .env.tmpl .env

  2. Open the .env for editing

  3. Enter the indicated values:


    • RC_USERNAME= Admin user's phone number
    • RC_PASSWORD= Admin user's password
    • RC_EXTENSION= Admin user's extension
    • RC_APP_KEY= Your application's app_key
    • RC_APP_SECRET= Your application's app_secret
    • RC_ENVIRONMENT= Either sandbox -OR- production
    • RC_API_BASE_URL= Only change when your application receives production access
    • RC_CACHE_PREFIX= To identify that it is an RC Account for the platform object


    • SA_USERNAME= Service Account user's phone number
    • SA_PASSWORD= Service Account user's password
    • SA_EXTENSION= Service Account user's extension
    • SA_APP_KEY= Service Account application app_key
    • SA_APP_SECRET= Service Account application user's password
    • SA_ENVIRONMENT= Either sandbox -OR- production
    • SA_API_BASE_URL= Only change when your application receives production access
    • SA_CACHE_PREFIX= To identify that it is SA Account for the platform object

    Call Filter Details

    • ALERT_SMS= Array of phone numbers for people you want to wake up with alerts ex: ["xxxxxxxxxx","xxxxxxxxxx"]
    • SOURCE_PHONE_NUMBER= Source phone number of the alert
    • PORT= The port the HTTP server will listen upon
    • FILTER_DIRECTION= Either Outbound || Inbound the direction of phone calls
    • FILTER_TO= 411 || 511 || 911 (ONLY USE 911 in Production)
    • FILTER_DEVICE_TYPE= Array of phone type elements as strings, one of: HardPhone, SoftPhone, OtherPhone
    • DEVICES_PER_PAGE= Number for page aggregation, uses 500 by default


    • MAX_DEVICES_PER_MIN= Number of maximum devices for the Rate Limit throttling


To start this application locally:

npm start

To run the unit tests:

npm test


Current used RCSDK version for this demo is : RCSDK-2.0.4

  • Make sure to change the SDK version in the package.json before you chose to use a different SDK Version.


Project Repo

RingCentral SDK for JavaScript

RingCentral API Docs

RingCentral API Explorer


Any reports of problems, comments or suggestions are most welcome.

Please report these on Message-Dispatcher's Issue Tracker in Github.


RingCentral SDK is available under an MIT-style license. See LICENSE.txt for details.

RingCentral SDK © 2016 by RingCentral