legend_resource - a Rails 3 app that creates legends for ArcGIS Server map services The idea behind legend_resource is to create a no-config option for creating legend images for ArcGIS Server services. This uses the arcserver.rb and gstore gems. # Installation 1) Fork/clone this github repo 2) cd into legend_resource dir 3) bundle install (If you get a message about Bundler versions, use gem install bundler --pre) 4) Deploy or start the server (rackup) # Config options. There is a Google Storage backend. To use it: 1) Change gstore.yml and modify the access/secret key and bucket information. 2) Uncomment the line in config.ru that sets the filehandler There is an S3 Backend. To use it: 1) Change amazon_s3.yml and modify the access/secret key and bucket information. 2) Uncomment the line in config.ru that sets the filehandler (I know this isn't very Ruby way-ish, but I am still learning....) By default, the sinatra app just uses the File module to write images to the file system. # Windows users If you are on Windows, your life is a bit harder (for various reasons ;)) You'll have to manually install the rmagick gem...go here to find out how http://rmagick.rubyforge.org/install-faq.html#win # Usage Presuming your app is running at http://localhost:3000 and you want a legend for a map service running at http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/services/Demographics/ESRI_Diversity_US_2D/MapServer ## Getting a Legend - Issue an HTTP GET to http://localhost:3000/legend/server.arcgisonline.com/Demographics/ESRI_Diversity_US_2D --This will create a PNG image of the legend. NOTE: All subsequent calls to this URL will return the cached image. ## Deleting a Legend - Issue an HTTP DELETE to http://localhost:3000/legend/server.arcgisonline.com/Demographics/ESRI_Diversity_US_2D -- This will delete the cached image. The next HTTP GET to this URL will create a new one. I use curl for this That's it for now. It didn't make sense to me to add PUT or POST actions to the resource, since it generates the legend. Maybe a future version will allow you to PUT a legend for a service... Glenn
A Rails app to create legend resources for existing ArcGIS Server map services