
Two column single page color

Primary LanguageTeXLaTeX Project Public License v1.3cLPPL-1.3c


A compact two column, one page colour Latex Resume. It can also be used as a template. The file cv.pdf is the output of these tex files.


  • Two column format
  • Single page
  • Vivid purple - grey colours used


  • AltaCV uses fontawesome and academicons
  • Loading academicons is optional: can be enabled it by adding the academicons option to \documentclass.
  • Can be compiled with pdflatex, XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX.
  • However if you're using academicons, you must use either XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX. If the doc then compiles but the icons don't show up in the output PDF, try compiling with LuaLaTeX instead.
  • The one here uses the Lato font.


  • Overflows onto second page if the contents of a column exceeds the vertical limit

The LaTeX Project Public License LPPL Version 1.3c 2008-05-04


Marissa Meyer's BusinessInsider Resume and Overleaf's tex stylist