
server for ihs reports app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


server for ihs reports app for #hacc hawaii annual code challenge homeless initiative project.

get started

install dependencies

  • postgresql 9.5
  • nodejs 6.3

set up db

open up a psql shell with psql -d postgres. you need to create a user and a database. suggested names are 'ihs' and 'ihs_development'. if you choose these names, the sql might look like this:

CREATE DATABASE ihs_development;

update database.json

fill in the username and database that you chose above. if you used the suggestion, those values are already populated.

install node packages and run migrations

npm install
npm run migrate

start server

npm run server


post /reports

accepts json in the body constructed as:

  • longitude:decimal
  • latitude:decimal
  • photo:text (url to photo)
  • description: text
  • name: text
  • phone: text

no need to send timestamps, they will be applied automatically on the server.

responds with GeoJSON FeatureCollection that includes the newly created report.


get /reports

accepts following params:

  • from:timestamp,utc
    • filters list to return only reports created after this date and time

responds with GeoJSON FeatureCollection of every matching report ordered by created_at descending.