
Subtitle Timing Adjustment CLI Tool

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Subtitle Timing Adjustment CLI Tool Specification


The CLI's primary function is to adjust the timing of subtitles in .srt files, either by delaying or advancing them.

Command-Line Interface

Usage: srt-adjuster.py [OPTIONS] FILE

  -t, --time <TIME>     Time adjustment in format [A/D]HH:MM:SS,MS or [A/D]SS,MS. A is for advance, D is for delay.
  -o, --output <FILE>   Output file name. If not specified, overwrite the original file.
  --help                Show this message and exit.


python srt_adjuster.py example.srt -t A00:00:05,000 -o adjusted_example.srt
python srt_adjuster.py example.srt -t D00:00:02,500 -o adjusted_example.srt

Full tutorial here, but the code is pretty self-explanatory :) feel free to pass by and clap or something if you feel like it, tho.