
[Creator Companion] PhysBones & Contacts

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Pumpkin Avatar Tools cannot find the SDK when using a Creator Companion project. Breaks PhysBone and Contact copier.


static bool GetPhysBones()
Debug.Log("<color=blue>PumkinsAvatarTools</color>: Checking for PhysBones and Contacts in project...");
var pPaths = new List<string>();
pPaths.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(Application.dataPath, "VRC.SDK3.Dynamics.PhysBone.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
pPaths.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(Application.dataPath, "VRC.SDK3.Dynamics.Contact.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
if (pPaths.Count == 0) //No Physbones or Contacts in project
Debug.Log("<color=blue>PumkinsAvatarTools</color>: PhysBones and Contacts not found in project.");
return false;
else //PhysBones and and Contacts Present
Debug.Log("<color=blue>PumkinsAvatarTools</color>: Found PhysBones and Contacts in project!");
return true;

rurre commented

I'll look into it over the weekend.

rurre commented

Now fixed