
Documents generation system in docx, odt, pdf, xhtml and pptx formats based on templates

Primary LanguageJava


Documents generation system in docx, odt, pdf, xhtml and pptx formats based on templates.
Supported template formats: .docx, .odt and .pptx


  1. Add repository in pom.xml:

  2. Add dependency:

  3. Then add in context of a Spring application:

    <import resource="classpath*:META-INF/spring/docsreporter-context.xml" />
  4. Create report template and map object fields to the model via Mergefields: DocxProjectWithVelocity.docx document template

  5. Define reportTemplate bean instance in Spring context:

    <bean id="reportTemplate" parent="reportTemplateBase">
        <property name="templatePath">
        <property name="modelClass">
        <property name="modelName" value="project"/>

    templatePath - path a template (only .docx, .odt and .pptx is supported)
    modelClass - model class (deep hierarchy is possible)
    modelName - context of the model in the template

  6. In source code generate the document based on the given template:

private ReportTemplate reportTemplate;

Fill the model and generate the document:

Project project = new Project();
...//fill the object

//If we have any dynamic images in our template define ImageExtractObserver instance:
ImageExtractObserver observer = new ImageExtractObserver() {
    public void getImage(byte[] content, String path) {
    //process image extraction event, maybe saving the image in some folder

//choosing output document format (.docx, .odt, .pptx, .pdf, .xhtml available)
DocFormat outFormat = DocFormat.PDF;

//receive the resulting document content and save it to file, response wrapper, etc.
OutputStream out = reportTemplate.generateReport(outFormat, project, observer);