Maze should be a grid of 20 rows by 20 columns. DFS algorithm is used to generate the maze.
- Initialize a grid with cells each having walls in all four directions.
- Start from the starting cell and randomly select an unvisited neighbor.
- Visit the unvisited neighbor while removing the wall between the current node and the neighbor.
- Push the neighbor into a stack.
- Iterate the process until there are no unvisited neighbors.
- If there are no unvisited neighbors, pop the stack and set the popped cell as the current cell.
- Iterate this entire process until the stack is empty.
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Python. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd maze-generation-using-depth-first-search
# Install libraries
$ pip install pygame
# Run the program
$ python