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GUI test app for pycomm and python 2
#71 opened by GitHubDragonFly - 0
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Reading and Writing to I/O tags
#72 opened by ShaliniBanerjee - 0
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Pycomm to micro 820
#59 opened by clemansta - 5
Micrologix 1200
#62 opened by nah2015 - 1
SLC Driver to Read RTC:0 [YR, MON, DAY...]
#69 opened by MJ-meo-dmt - 1
Reading multiple Timers
#68 opened by AndrewStuhr - 2
Multiple Connections to Same PLC
#67 opened by magiciin - 1
Retrieving IO tags in plc.tags
#66 opened by AndrewStuhr - 0
Non-AB EthernetIP connections?
#65 opened by ControlsEng - 1
Should it work with AB Emulator 5000?
#60 opened by bernardesrodrigo - 0
Fully connect to a MicroLogix1100 in UBUNTU Py3.6.7, but not on an WINDOWS server.
#64 opened by lcflorindo - 2
Reading Hundreds of Tags Fast
#63 opened by samiam9297 - 0
check for warnings
#61 opened by pcnate - 1
NameError: name 'defaultdict' is not defined
#57 opened by Karthikeyyan - 0
Problem to write tags Micrologix 1100
#56 opened by lcflorindo - 1
CommError: must be str, not bytes
#55 opened by Karthikeyyan - 0
Large Array Read and Write Speed
#54 opened by ramezanifar - 1
Micrologix , unpropriate value when reading L tag
#44 opened by sifudam - 1
Implicit Messaging: How to use forward open request for continuous message communication in connected mode on UDP?
#53 opened by rajatkmehta - 2
Error when reading string
#42 opened by smarth23 - 2
Version on PyPi is not latest version
#48 opened by patrickjmcd - 1
Question: Can this library be used to test generic CIP required objects using get/set attributes?
#51 opened by rajatkmehta - 2
Compatibility with cpppo
#34 opened by johanfforsberg - 0
For control Logix. If Processor is in Slot No 0 only the device is communicating
#50 opened by muthunsr - 4
"Timed out" Issue
#39 opened by A-Badkoubeh - 1
Control Logix 5573 returns "None"
#49 opened by muthunsr - 6
Communication with Micro 850 Plc
#47 opened by muthunsr - 2
Connecting to Productivity PLC via pycomm
#46 opened by benhuckell - 0
Time out is not changing
#45 opened by ramezanifar - 0
How to connect plc in dh+/rio
#43 opened by KaloyanR - 3
What is cycle time speed of Pycomm?
#38 opened by A-Badkoubeh - 2
- 12
Problem with Micrologix1100
#37 opened by A-Badkoubeh - 3
Concurrent connections on L33ER
#35 opened by crushndent - 2
CPU Slot static variable
#33 opened by GreybeardFM - 0
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Produced/Consumed tags
#30 opened by wpmccormick - 1
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How to read SLC String Tag "ST10:1"
#28 opened by Baronchikk - 1
read/write UDT
#29 opened by wpmccormick - 65
#27 opened by redmeters-sshah - 4
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method close() may not __sock.close() on exception
#22 opened by gman8a - 1
acces only to part of tag array
#20 opened by landercillo - 6
Can't write/read to arrays, but tags fine
#21 opened by sgchowar - 1
pack_lint return error in
#18 opened