
openSDP oSDK WEB communications JS library

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Where it is:

./src - Source files. ./built - Built files. ./builtdocs - Built documentation index.

Prepare to use:

You need nodejs.

Install grunt-cli system-wide:

npm install -g grunt-cli

Install node modules by command:

npm install

NOTICE: If you have problems with SSL while downloading node modules you can change download link to non-ssl with command:

npm config set registry http://registry.npmjs.org/


Command template:

grunt [option]... [parameter]...


Notice: dev command posfix means working with current git tree without checkout by last commit or specified git tag.

check - Check current source code for errors.

preparedev - Check current source code for errors, clear built/clean and built/minified directories and retreive current developer version from git.

builddev - Build prepared developer version.

replacetest - Replace strings for testing in built oSDK library according to configuration in file specified by --profile option.

replacewip - Replace strings for developing in built oSDK library according to configuration in file specified by --profile option.

preparedocsdev - Retreive developer version from git and clean built/documentation directory.

builddocsdev - Build prepared developer version documentation from current source code.

deploydocsdev - Deploy built documentation to developers server.

prepare - Clear built/clean and built/minified directories and retreive current developer version from --osdktag option or git last commit.

build - Build prepared production minified and clean versions.

preparedocs - Retreive version from git tag or last commit and clean built/documentation directory.

builddocs - Build prepared production version documentation.

buildall - Prepare and build all oSDK variants by modules, minified and clean versions and documentationBuild.


--osdktag=<tag> - Build code tagged with specified git tag <tag>.

--profile=<configname> - Build with custom configuration where <configname> is the part of file ./teligent-osdk-config-<configname>.json. By defauld build script uses ./teligent-osdk-config-default.json.

--modules=<modulenames> - Build oSDK with specified modules (see teligent-osdk.json for module names, source files maps and defaults).


Running grunt is equivalent for running grunt prepare build preparedocs builddocs


Building some older versions may be inaccurate as the build script is always of current version. To build that versions use git checkout by tag manually and version's own build scripts and readme's.