FASTAPI summary

generate file probable metadata and probable summary

Required npm(version: 8.1.2) and python(version >3.7)

Run locally

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Go to project in terminal
    cd FAVM tutorial
  3. Go to backend
    cd backend
  4. Create virtual environment by running following command ( Note: if pipenv is not there the install it using pip install pipenv)
    pipenv shell
  5. Run the followiing command to active virtual environment
    pipenv install
  6. Execute the following command to run uvicorn uvicorn main:app --reload
  7. Open another terminal and go to project directory
  8. Go to frontend
    cd frontend
  9. Install package from package.json
    npm install
  10. Run front end vue
    npm run dev
  11. Open frontend in browser from frontend
  12. You can visit fastapi docs from backend

Run in Docker

  1. clone this repo
  2. Go to project in terminal
    cd FASTAPI-Summary
  3. Run follwing command to start docker with application docker-compose up Or docker-compose up -d
  4. Open frontend in browser from frontend
  5. You can visit fastapi docs from backend