Blockchain E-Commerce

We created a simple web-based application similar to e-commerce using NodeJs and blockchain technology. Solidity was used to create smart contracts, Ganache was used to set up a personal Ethereum Blockchain for testing our Solidity contracts, NodeJs was used to develop web-based applications, and Metamask was used as a wallet. 


1. NodeJS                     7. babel-preset-env                   13. chai-as-promised     
2. ExpressJS                  8. babel-preset-es2015                14. chai-bignumber   
3. ReactJS                    9. babel-preset-stage-2               15. react-datepicker    
4. Fontawesome                10. babel-preset-stage-3              16. truffle           
5. babel-polyfill             11. babel-register                    17. web3      
6. Bootstrap                  12. chai                              18. cors 

Browser Extension: Metamask

How to install all dependencies?

npm install {name of dependency}


Steps to start website locally:

  1. Clone the entire repository.
  2. Open entire folder in any code editor of your choice.
  3. cd blockchain-ecommerce and npm install in the command prompt.
  4. Compile smart contract by using command "truffle compile".
  5. Migrate the migrations using "truffle migrate".
  6. Test the smart contracts by using the command "truffle test".
  7. Start ganache and create a project.
  8. Install metamask extension on browser.
  9. Start the application using "npm start" and oonnect to metamask wallet.
  10. Add addresses of account from ganache to metamask.


1. Connect to metamask locally.
2. Add products.
3. Buy products.
4. View all products.
5. View all owned products.
6. Making transactions using metamask.

Link to Demo Video Demo


Roll No. Name
1911012 Rushabh Gandhi
1911027 Nayan Mandliya
1911031 Hussein Motiwala

Developed with ❤️ by Rushabh Gandhi, Hussein Motiwala, Nayan Mandliya.