
Ethereum based Crowdfunding website for disaster relief funds.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Fundraising for disaster relief: support friends and family at a time when they need it most, raise money for them without an intermediary. Project for Rakathon 2021 image


  1. Install Node JS and Ganache
  2. Create new workspace in Ganache
  3. Install Metamask as Google Chrome Extension and create Custom RPC Network with ganache RPC server link. Then import an account using Ganache MNEMONIC(Private key for address).

Getting Started

  1. Install all the dependencies
npm install 
  1. Under Ethereum directory, open deploy.js and update the mnemonic code(Private key for address) and end point link(Ganache RPC Server Link). Then open web3.js and update end point link.

  2. In the Ethereum directory, compile the contract

node compile.js

then deploy the contract

node deploy.js

Copy the contract deploy address and replace it in factory.js file.

  1. To run the application run the development server:
npm run dev

Make sure Metamask account is connected to the ganache server.

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.







Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources: