I created a simple onlyfans site using Django. During the deployment process, it was containerized through Docker. I linked the NGINX server and Django application server through Docker Compose. I created AWS resources using Terraform. Build automation was done through the linkage between Docker Hub and GitHub. I plan to automate deployment by running Jenkins containers on the server.
- git clone https://github.com/jojo-tey/Django_fans.git
- cd Django_fans/djfans
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- Disable product part in settings.py
# Disable this part for local running
SECRET_KEY = os.environ['SECRET_KEY']
DEBUG = os.environ['DEBUG']
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media')
DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage'
- python manage.py makemigrations --settings=djfans.local
- python manage.py migrate --settings=djfans.local
- python manage.py runserver --settings=djfans.local
Subscription & Post Configured to update the news feed only as subscribed users post
Direct Message User can message to subscribed user
Notification Notify users when new subscriptions occur
Static & Media Static file and media file management using S3 bucket as a backend
Webserver Integration of nginx web server and Django application through gunicorn
Database : AWS RDS Minimize database design and management resources using AWS RDS
Backend – S3 Integrated management of staticfile and mediafile through S3 bucket as backend
Dockerize : Build automation Packaging the app in container, build automation by linking github and docker hub
Secret value management
By setting the environment variable reference in the container, it is possible to manage secret value management on the server side at once. -
VPC and Security group
Secure data storage by separating the database and the S3 bucket from the EC2 instance and placing it in a different security group. -
Infrastructure as code
Resource management through Terraform makes it easy to increase/decrease, version control, and reuse servers. -
CI/CD automation (Working on it)
Stage-by-stage setup through the pipeline. Set to automatically build and deploy at the same time as commit. -
Https redirect
Redirecting to https by placing an application load balancer between the EC2 instance and the internet gateway