

Primary LanguageAssembly


Based on the book “The Elements of Computing Systems: second edition” by Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken.

Project 0 is just some solutions to the Boolean Simplification problems for familiarity with the concepts of the course and helps understand the projects better.

Description of Project 1-6 is available at https://www.nand2tetris.org/course.

Project 7-8 is a part of Computer Organization class at Mississippi State University by Dr. Edward Luke. The documentation is a part of his intellectual property (IP). The solutions to the project are work of my own.

Software and other resources at https://www.nand2tetris.org

  • Project 0: Boolean Simplification

  • Project 1: Basic Boolean Logic Blocks

  • Project 2: Boolean Arithmetic (Arithmetic Logic Unit)

  • Project 3: Registers and Memory

  • Project 4: Machine Language Programming

  • Project 5: Computer(CPU) Architecture

  • Project 6: Assembler

  • Project 7: Stacks and Re-entrant Procedures

  • Project 8: Machine Language Sorting