
zbus python client

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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zbus strives to make Message Queue and Remote Procedure Call fast, light-weighted and easy to build your own service-oriented architecture for many different platforms. Simply put, zbus = mq + rpc.

zbus carefully designed on its protocol and components to embrace KISS(Keep It Simple and Stupid) principle, but in all it delivers power and elasticity.

Start zbus, please refer to https://github.com/rushmore/zbus

Getting started

pip install zbuspy
  • zbus.py works for both python2.x and python3.x

API Demo

Only demos the gist of API, more configurable usage calls for your further interest.

Produce message

from zbus import MqClient, Message

def onopen(client):
    msg = Message()
    msg.headers.cmd = 'pub'
    msg.headers.mq = 'MyMQ'
    msg.body = 'hello from python'

    client.invoke(msg, lambda res: print(res) )

client = MqClient('localhost:15555')
client.onopen = onopen

Consume message

from zbus import MqClient, Message

mq = 'MyMQ'
channel = 'MyChannel'

def create_mq(client):
    msg = Message()
    msg.headers.cmd = 'create'
    msg.headers.mq = mq
    msg.headers.channel = channel 
    client.invoke(msg, lambda res: print(res)) #lambda

def onopen(client):
    msg = Message()
    msg.headers.cmd = 'sub' #sub on channel of mq
    msg.headers.mq = mq
    msg.headers.channel = channel 
    def cb(res):
    client.invoke(msg, cb)

def message_handler(msg):

client = MqClient('localhost:15555')
client.onopen = onopen
client.add_mq_handler(mq, channel, message_handler)

RPC client

from zbus import RpcClient   
rpc = RpcClient('localhost:15555', mq='MyRpc')

res = rpc.example.plus(1,2) 


RPC service

from zbus import RpcServer, Message, RequestMapping

class MyService: 
    def echo(self, ping):
        return str(ping)
    def getString(self, s):
        return str(s)
    def plus(self, a, b):  
        return int(a) + int(b) 
    def testEncoding(self, msg): #msg -- request message context
        return u'中文'
    def noReturn(self):
    def home(self):
        res = Message()
        res.status = 200
        res.headers['content-type'] = 'text/html; charset=utf8'
        res.body = '<h1> from Python </h1>'
        return res
    def getBin(self):
        b = bytearray(10)
        import base64
        return base64.b64encode(b).decode('utf8')
    def throwException(self):
        raise Exception("runtime exception from server")
    @RequestMapping(path='/m', method='POST') #change path
    def map(self): 
        return {
            'key1': 'mykey',
            'key2': 'value2',
            'key3': 2.5
    def testTimeout(self):
        import time

p = RpcProcessor()
p.url_prefix = ''  #Global URL prefix
p.mount('/example', MyService()) #relative mount url 

server = RpcServer(p) 
#When auth required
#server.enable_auth('2ba912a8-4a8d-49d2-1a22-198fd285cb06', '461277322-943d-4b2f-b9b6-3f860d746ffd') #apiKey + secretKey
server.mq_server_address = 'localhost:15555' 
server.mq = 'MyRpc'   