Telegram bot that reminds you to track things and do things without overpush yourself
You don't need to do MORE. You need to do LESS, but REGULAR.
- todo: Easy install
- todo: Personal telegram bot as frontend
- todo: airtable or nocodb as storage, dashboard and automation
Development in progress. I have no time for useful docs. Contact me, if you want to use or help.
- /current_task Get current task in message
- Marks task as done and sends next task
- todo: Reminds about current task daily (task message, reminder task message with reply_to)
- todo: Reminds about conditional task at some time (buy something after work, do at home)
- /track <tracker_name> Writes value for tracker
- todo: Reminds about important things to track daily
- todo: /track_stats Send some stats about important trackers
- /start <routine_name> Start passing checklist (track something, do something)
- true/false done button
- todo: finish button to reformat message and hide buttons
- todo: <track_short_name> in user message will be interpreted
- Reminds about important routines daily
- todo: easiest way to try: executable + airtable
- todo: local bot + nocodb + sqlite by docker-compose
- todo: local bot + nocodb + sqlite manual (node required)
- todo: server by docker-compose (https by traefik)
- todo: server manual (https by caddy)
- todo: crazy readme header images (WOW, Simple install, Wonderful features, Privacy, Donate)
- todo: concepts and explanation: tasks, trackers, routines
- todo: edit bot photo, name, etc.
- todo: airtable/nocodb useful features and manual link